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Configuring POP and IMAP accounts with the Exchange Server

Mike Jackson | March 2nd, 2015 | general

Usually we use MS Outlook for connecting an email client with the mailboxes on the Exchange Server. As today it is the prior wish of the user to use their mailbox remotely, so the administrator has to use a mixture of platform to configure the wide varieties of email client.

This is because, the connection to exchange using Outlook is quite easy. Here, you only need to provide the name of the computer of the Exchange server and the name of the mailbox to which you want to connect.

But one that should be remembered is that MS Our look is a proprietary client, and if you configure different email softwares you will find that option to configure the account are pretty different.

Procedure to Configure POP and IMAP account with the Exchange Server

The options that you need to configure are:

  • Which type of account you are using (IMAP4 or POP3).
  • The Address of the server, which is handling the incoming message
  • The Address of the server, which is handling the outgoing message.
  • User name
  • Password
  • Internet email address of the email account.

Use of the account, i.e. IMAP or POP depends on whether you want to use all of your Outlook folder or not.

  • If you only want to access your Inbox, then you can use only POP protocol.
  • In case if you want to access all of your folders, then you need to use IMAP protocol.

To connect to the IMAP or POP account, you have to configure the Server address of POP, SMTP or IMAP with the Exchange server.

  • Remember one thing:
  • POP (Post office protocol) is used to receive messages
  • SMTP (Simple mail Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used for sending the messages.

In some of the Organizations you will find that both of these protocols are installed on separate machines and that’s why both of these protocols are configured separately.

In the MS Exchange server both of these protocols are usually installed on the same machine, that are specified in both of the fields.

Don’t put the computer name unless you don’t know that the client is able to resolve the IP address or not by using the LMHOSTS file as shown below:

If you are connecting non outlook email client to the Exchange server mailbox, then its user name needs to be given as specified below:

  • DOMAIN\USERNAME\MAILBOXif you are using POP3 protocol
  • DOMAIN/USERNAME/MAILBOX if you are using the IMAP protocol.

In case if you are using Pocket Outlook or Outlook Express, both of these will allow you to only use the mailbox name.You can configure the password field using NT Domain Account password.

Example to configure POP account: –



Example to configure the IMAP account: –





The method explained above will help you a lot in configuring the POP and IMAP accounts with the Exchange Server. In case, if you facing any difficulty while performing the configuration, please comment, we will sort out your query as soon as possible.

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Mike Jackson

Mike Jackson is a technical writer and he wrote numerous blogs or articles regarding Exchange Server corruption issues with their solutions. You can follow him on Google+, Facebook and Twitter. If you have any query & solution regarding Exchange Server & Outlook apps then you can mail Mike at